Before first solo

by 劉盛宥

猶記著第一次拿起手機撥打1800-WX-BRIEF詢問標準天氣報告,卻完全聽不懂預報的內容。如今學會了自行規劃越野飛行飛機起飛或降落失速處置、引擎失效處置、機艙起火及機翼起火處置 、緊急迫降處置、與塔台溝通、了解所駕駛的飛機性能和機械系統(空氣力學、引擎、機油、燃油、螺旋槳形態、化油器、載重平衡、電力系統、襟翼形態、剎車、儀表原理和失效處置等)。認知各種不同的天氣報告及了解各種天氣形成的因素(METAR, TAF, FA, FB, WA, WS, WST.. etc)、航圖(目視飛行限制,空域限制等)、航空醫學(動暈症、藥物使用限制、缺氧、一氧化碳中毒、過度換氣、高空無加壓機艙氧氣使用限制、靜脈竇阻塞、耳鳴、夜間視覺、潛水限制、或者因耳朵、眼睛和神經系統所造成的不同幻覺等)。以及不同形式的降落方式(無襟翼降落、短距離降落、軟地面降落、急速下降降落等)。每每通過一個階段的考試,就進步了一點。這些的點點滴滴,一路走來真是不可思議。


如果這時有人問我:學飛難嗎?我想,這些回憶終將成為以後最美好的回憶。當你想做一件事時,只要全力全力投入,整個世界都會幫你。 難不難,已經不是重點了。



by Liu Sheng-Yu (Cedric)

I would never forget my first call to the Flight Service Station for a VFR Standard Weather Briefing. I had no sense of of the experience from the other side! However, after receiving advanced pilot training, I had gradually acquired more aviation knowledge (e.g., making a cross-country flight plan, recovering from power on/off stalls, engine failure/engine fire/wings on fire/emergency landing procedures, ATC communication), gained familiarity with aircraft systems and performance (e.g., aerodynamics, engine system, fuel/oil, propeller types, carburetor, weight and balance, electrical system, flaps limitation, brake system, flight instruments and troubleshooting), read through weather reports and forecasts (METAR, TAF, FA, FB, WA, WS, WST, and VFR sectional chart), understood aeromedical factors (motion sickness, drugs limitation, hypoxia, CO poisoning, hyperventilation, oxygen requirements, sinus block, ear block, night vision, scuba diving, and sensational illusions), and practiced all types of landings (no-flap landing, short-field/soft-field landing, emergency descent). It is amazing when I realized how much I have accomplished from zero.

 Is it difficult to fly? Well, nothing is difficult when you put your effort wholeheartedly!