Every pilot must take exams for each airman certificate and BPFS is Oahu’s premiere *PSI Test Center.
We are Hawaii’s best flight school.
Fixed-Wing Pilot Training
Barbers Point Flight School is light years ahead of industry standard flight training. We fly an all FAA compliant fleet and state-of-the-art equipment including Next Generation (NXI) G1000 cockpit, Synthetic Vision, Auto-Pilot.
Our newest 2022 Cessna Skyhawk is here and will be in service beginning October 15, 2022. Next Generation G-1000 cockpit, Synthetic Vision, Auto Pilot. $246.00/hr (*wet rate). Full IFR..00
2021 Cessna 172S - Next Generation Cockpit - $246.00/hr (*wet rate). Full IFR.
2020 Cessna 172S - Next Generation Cockpit (NXI) - $246.00/hr (*wet rate) Full IFR.
1997 Cessna 172R - $234/hr (*wet rate). Full IFR.
Still young and beautiful and recently brought into the future with Garmin G5 glass cockpit EHSI/EADI and Garmin G650 with ADS-B, Traffic Control Avoidance system and weather monitoring. Full IFR. Legacy cockpit.
2019 Technam P2010 MKII Next Generation (NXI) G1000 Cockpit - $236.00/hr (*wet rate). Full IFR.
From the Tecnam Factory in Capua, Italy. Modern. Light. Powerful. Full IFR. She’s pretty and for a flight trainer, boasts an industry first, third door for easy rear passenger access and comfort. Great for flight training and for touring the islands with Ohana and friends.
1973 Cessna 150L- $198.00/hr (*wet rate). VFR Trainer.
One of the best Cessna 150L models you’ll fly! This legacy aircraft has been very brought into the future with many new and modern upgrades. She is clean and able to conduct economic flight training under simulated, instrument conditions. Highly functional, heritage cockpit.
2019 Technam P2008 Light Sport with Garmin 30O GX-3 Touch Screen - $210.00/hr (*wet rate). Simulated IFR Trainer.
Italian beauty! Modern, light. powerful 912 ULS Rotax engine with proven 75 million hour reliability. This “joystick” operated light sport is special because it is equipped to conduct instrument training while simulating an IFR environment. Lots of airplane at an economical cost.
1999 Cessna 172SP - $234/hr (*wet rate). Full IFR.
Still young and pretty and well equipped for instrument flight. Legacy cockpit.
(We’re sorry to say that due to exorbitant industry costs, BPFS is forced to raise our instruction costs as of October 1, 2023)
Flight Instructor, Single-Engine - $65/hr
Ground Instruction - $40/hr
Flight Simulator (Glass or *Raw Data) - $110/hr
Our state-of-the-art, AlSim (by Airbus), fully-enclosed, Flight Simulator is the ultimate classroom! From the flight instructors pod, your instructor is able to to deliver real-time, scenario based flying maneuvers and emergency training. The big difference is the “rewind button”; Fly - Mess Up - Reset - Repeat. Too easy!
*Wet Rate: All BPFS aircraft are priced “wet”, meaning the hourly cost includes airframe and fuel. Nothing hidden. It is what it is!
*Raw Data: There are two predominant cockpit displays. A Glass Cockpit is equipped with flat screen instrumentation. A Raw Data display is a legacy instrument display that utilizes round, glass gauges. Both are equally capable offering different and subjective ease of use. Either may be primary flight displays.
*Credit Card Processing: As of October 1, 2023, Barbers Point Flight School must charge a 3% non-cash transaction fee for all credit card purchases.
Solo Wall of Fame
Traditionally, a student pilot’s shirt-tail is removed (it’s great to do the cutting:) upon successfully completing their First Solo! Barnstorming and open cockpit flying of the past made communication between instructor and student impossible because of the lack of electronic headsets to communicate with.
Instructors would tug on a students shirt-tail to get their attention and to provide direction. Your shirt being cut is an instructors new confidence in YOU.! If you are smart, don’t solo your first time in a nice shirt…or do…we don’t mind:)
FAA Ratings offered by BPFS
1. Private Pilot
2. Instrument Rating
3. Commercial Pilot
To view all our available courses, click here.
Call Barbers Point Flight School at (808) 518-4661 to schedule a visit to our Hawaii Flight School and to enroll in one of our flight training courses. Undecided? Schedule a discovery flight and become familiar today.
Instructor interface counsel provides real-time, cost effective, scenario based training.
“Cleared for Takeoff”
Comfortable seating that duplicates actual aircraft dimensions. Fly the exact cockpit you’ll be flying as part of your training and in air-conditioned comfort.
Fly - Not Bad - Rewind - Perfect!
AlSim Flight Simulator by Airbus - Modern Flight Simulation
Our new Advanced Aircraft Training Device (AATD) by AlSim is a rock solid platform for simulated light aircraft training! It’s the ultimate classroom!
Focused training with your very own “rewind” button allowing you to train to proficiency, not to time
Studies have proven that one hour in a flight simulator is equal to two or more hours in an actual aircraft
Simulate in-flight mistakes and malfunctions; Apply in real flight
Log flight time and save money. *SIMULATED FLIGHT TIME may be logged as TOTAL FLIGHT TIME
No delays. Navigate to and from any airport in the U.S.
BPFS Ohana, 2023 (left to right): Nathan (CFI), Scott (CFI), Kai (CFI), Anuhea (General Manager, Exam Proctor), Kamalu (CFI)
BPFS Ohana, 2024: (Left to Right) Troy, Eden, Ricky, Jared, Kailee, Haven, Julie, Blake and Christine Cassison
KHON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUXEPbNeHAE