Ole’ Timers…..

On June 12, 2022, three (3) previous BPFS Flight Instructors and then, Line Pilots for Skywest Airlines, managed to be in the same place at the same time and took this magnificent photo of the “BPFS BoyZ” in their EMB-175.

From left to right, Captain Vincent Perry and First Officer’s Robbie Phillips and Micah Sanchez.

Note: As of October, 2023, Vincent has gone on to fly for Hawaiian Airlines and Micah is now flying at Southwest Airlines. Where are you Robbie?

Meet our current Flight Instructors



Age: 32

Where I’m from: Niu Valley, Oahu

Why I got into aviation: When I was a kid, planes were often a topic of conversation in my family seeing that both my parents worked in aviation as mechanical engineers with my dad having received his private pilot certificate as well. So when I was in high school, I had an interest in becoming a pilot but didn’t pursue it at the time. While in college, various opportunities arose that led me in the direction of the field of education, and the idea of flying drifted away. After college, I taught middle and high school for seven years. Then at the age of 29, looking for a change of pace, I thought back to my desire to fly and decided to begin my flight training. Now as a flight instructor, I feel privileged to be able to both teach and fly.


Age: 24

Where I’m from: Mountain View, Hawaii

Why I got into aviation: Aloha Nui! I was fortunate growing up to have many travel opportunities, which made me fall in love with navigating through the sky to various locations no matter how far. Travel stayed fresh in my mind; fast forward to High School. I had no clue what to do. My desire for travel and experience new places eventually led me to my first job as a Ramp Agent for Hawaiian Airlines. Time spent on the tarmac further filled my desire to pursue a career in aviation. My interest then led me to an introductory flight with a local flight school in Arizona which fortunately led me here to Barbers Point Flight School. I'm humbled each and every day to be here at home in Hawai'i doing what I Love.

It's almost surreal when I reflect back to where I was just a few years ago i'm excited for the many adventures ahead. 'A'ohe pu'u kiekie ke ho'ã'o e pil. There is no hill too high to climb if you try.

Galen Cradock, Flight Instructor, CFI

Age: 36

Where I’m from: Denver, Colorado

Why I got into aviation: When I was young, I dreamed of building rockets and flying planes. I grew up in the mountains of Colorado and as I grew older, I had many interests. Flying seemed far off as a realistic occupation for me at the time. However, 5 years ago I became a flight attendant and was immersed in the aviation culture. It was then I realized how attainable my child hood dream was. I began my training during Covid and now here I am, instructing in Hawaii.

Throughout my training I have flown around much of the United States and I can say it is hard to beat the beauty of flying in Hawaii. I'm lucky to call this my office. It's never too late to chase your dreams!

Julie McKenzie, Flight Instructor, CFI, CFII


Where I’m from:

Why I got into aviation: I was in nursing school when I realized that I wanted a career that would allow me to travel the world and be in an airplane as much as possible. Soon after that I was starting flight school and immediately fell in love with the feeling of being in the sky. I received my Bachelors degree in Aviation Management from the Florida Institute of Technology and I was able to gain so much knowledge about the aviation industry as a whole. I love being able to teach new aspiring pilots who share the same passion I have for flying. No matter how experienced you become in aviation, there is always more to learn and that is one of my favorite aspects of flying. Being able to instruct in Hawai'i has been my goal since / started flying and being out here goes to show that there are so many opportunities in Aviation and you just have to “follow your dreams”!

Angelo Khan, Flight Instructor CFI, CFII

Age: 25

Where I’m from: Honolulu, Hawaii

Why I got into aviation: Every time I got on a commercial flight as a young kid I would be like a kid in a candy store, asking hundreds of questions trying to understand how a piece of metal could fly and I was amazed at the power of it. Shortly after I took a flight in a glider with a family friend, and that's when I knew I wanted to be a pilot. At age seventeen I joined the Marine Corps and was assigned to our local reserve unit right here back home in Knaneone. I began to hit the books and train hard. I then earned my certificates and ratings at HNL. I wanted to share my love for flying with others and I decided that becoming a flight instructor was the way to do that. It's never a bad day in the sky.

Kailee Balthazar Chang, Flight Instructor, CFI, CFII

Age: 25

Where I’m from: Kaimuki, Hawaii

Why I got into aviation: I was introduced to aviation while attending college in Salt Lake City, Utah. After making a few friends who were in the Aviation Program, I quickly became aware of the opportunities that this industry could provide, plus a few perks that came along with being a pilot like traveling the world! By being a full time student athlete and flight training, time management and discipline were two important qualities to uphold in my books. After receiving my B.S. in Aviation Management and Minor in Flight Operations in 2021, I knew Aviation was the caree for me. The joy of having an office in the sky is such a blessing and being able to share my experiences, with not only other women in aviation, but with the people of Hawaii is a dream come true! I'm excited to share my love of aviation with any future aviators and encourage anyone who is on the fence about flying, to just do it!

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Elenor Roosevelt.

Eden Kewabe, Flight Instructor, CHIEF INSTRUCTOR PILOT. CFI

Age: 26

Where I’m from: Mililani, Hawaii

Why I got into aviation: Growing up in Hawaii, I developed a love for travel and adventure. My journey to becoming a pilot began when I worked as a flight attendant and saw firsthand how amazing flying could be. Seeing female pilots confidently command the flight deck inspired me to pursue my own dreams of flying. After taking my first intro flight, I was hooked and knew this was the path for me.

Troy Slade, Flight Instructor, CFI, CFII, MEI

Age: 26

Where I’m from: Kapolei, Hawaii

Why I got into aviation: After completing my bachelors in biology and the necessary actions for a pre-med student, I contemplated if becoming a physician was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. At this time, I started exploring other career fields and took an introductory flight at Barbers Point Flight School. I could not stop smiling the whole five minute drive home. This is when I knew that I wanted to be a pilot. Seeing my home from a whole new perspective and flying over my actual house was an exhilarating experience. Soon after, I went to flight school in Arizona and spent a year finishing all my certifications. Fortunately after, I got hired and started instructing at Barbers Point Flight School. Being able to fly, teach and work at home has been my biggest blessing so far. Since becoming a pilot, I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to fly to all islands in Hawaiʻi and a few states in the mainland. I also love that you’re always learning as a pilot! Thank you to my previous instructors, my coworkers and BPFS for everything you did and continue to do for me! For those interested in flying, I highly recommend doing an introductory flight and I truly hope you have the same experience as I did! 

Jared Davis, Flight Instructor, CFI, CFII

Age: 24

Where I’m from: Kaneohe, Hawaii

Why I got into aviation: Growing up in Hawai’i has been nothing short of amazing. While I enjoyed everything the islands have to offer I often found myself yearning to explore what the rest of the world had to offer. With many family friends in the aviation industry there was no surprise to me that aviation became a true passion. From my first flight i knew I was hooked. This was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Not only is it insanely fun but the idea of being able to explore the world while meeting new people from different cultures will always be intriguing. My love for these aspects will forever be a driving force for me to continue this passion till physically cant.

Justin Kim, CFI


Where I’m from: Honolulu, Hawaii

Why I got into aviation: I was born and raised here and a proud graduate of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. With a background in leaders management, I made a bold career change to pursue my passion for aviation.I got into aviation because the thought of traveling the world and going to different places is something that always in me. I'm excited to be a part of an industry that connects people all around the world!

I'm blessed to be able to instruct here at home as well as at the school where I obtained all my ratings.

Ricky Nguyen, Flight Instructor CFI, CFII

Age: 23

Where I’m from: Oahu, Hawaii

Why I got into aviation: My introduction to aviation began when my friend invited me to back-seat one of his training flights in high school. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after I graduate so I anxiously agreed with no knowledge about aviation. Immediately after takeoff I was hooked on the amazing views Hawaii has to offer and fascinated by aviation’s complexity. Soon after, I graduated and began my training at a local flight school here at Kalaleloa. A few years later here I am back at the same airport where it all started; hoping to pay it forward and help students achieve their goals with the best office and views in the world!

Haven Gabriel, Flight Instructor. CFI

Age: 23

Where I’m from: Honolulu, Hawaii

Why I got into aviation: I graduated college in Washinghton where I completed my Flight Training. While in college, I always knew I wanted to go back home to Hawaii to pursue a career as a pilot. Now, as a certified instructor, my goal is to provide student pilots with all the skills and knowledge they will need to make aviation their careers.


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